জানা-অজানা, শুক্রবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০
Friday, December 31, 2010
ঋজু মানব
আধুনিক মানবজাতির ক্রমবিকাশ ধারায় ঋজু মানবের বিকাশ একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অগ্রগতি হিসেবে ধরা হয়। অনুমান করা হয়, ১০ লাখ বছর আগে মানব-সম প্রাণী অস্ট্রালোপিথিকাসরা ক্রমশ বিবর্তিত হয়ে ঋজু মানবে পরিণত হয়। বস্তুত তাদের শারীরিক গঠন অস্ট্রালোপিথিকাসদের চেয়ে অনেক বেশি উন্নত এবং বর্তমান মানুষের কাছাকাছি ছিল। তবে এরা কিছুটা ঋজু বা বাঁকানো ভঙ্গিতে চলাচল করত। এরা সম্পূর্ণ সোজা হয়ে হাঁটতে পারত না।
পরামর্শ, শুক্রবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০
যতৰণ কাজ করুন না কেন মনোযোগ ও আন্তরিকতার সঙ্গে কাজ করুন, এতে কাজ সুষ্ঠু ও সুন্দর হবে।
Source: www.DailyJanakantha.com
স্মরণীয়, শুক্রবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০
৩১ ডিসেম্বর
১৬০০ খ্রিস্টাব্দের এইদিনে রানী এলিজাবেথ ইস্ট ইন্ডিয়া কোম্পানিকে ব্যবসায়ী প্রতিষ্ঠান হিসেবে অনুমোদন দেন।
১৭৩৮ খ্রিস্টাব্দের এইদিনে ভারতের ব্রিটিশ গবর্নর জেনারেল লর্ড কনওয়ালিস জন্মগ্রহণ করেন।
১৯১৮ খ্রিস্টাব্দের এইদিনে শিৰাবিদ ও গবেষক আজিজুর রহমান মল্লিক জন্মগ্রহণ করেন।
১৯৯০ খ্রিস্টাব্দের এইদিনে কমিউনিস্ট নেতা মণি সিংহ পরলোকগমন করেন।
Source: www.DailyJanakantha.com
বচন, শুক্রবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০
টিপ টিপ জল পড়ে
পাথরে ৰয় করে।
অর্থ : পানির অবিরাম পতনে পাথরেরও ক্ষয় হয়_ এ কথা বোঝাতে বলা হয়।
আস্তে আস্তে করে রাও
সকল কথার বুঝে ভাও।
অর্থ : ধীরে সুস্থে কথা বললে এবং প্রতিপৰের কথা মন দিয়ে শুনলে তবেই সব মর্ম অবগত হওয়া যায়_ এ কথা বোঝাতে বলা হয়।
Collected 4rm: www.DailyJanakantha.com
আল কুরআন, শুক্রবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০
আল কুরআন
বিস্মিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহিম
যে ব্যক্তি তওবা করে ও সৎ কর্ম করে সে সম্পূর্ণরূপে আল্লাহর অভিমুখী হয়।
সূরা ফুরকান-৭১
collected 4rm: http://www.dailyjanakantha.com
সালেহ আহমাদ
শুক্রবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০
collected 4rm: www.dailyjanakantha.com
বৈশাখের ভরদুপুর। তীব্রদাবদাহে ৰেতের আইল বাতরে হেঁটে হেঁটে ক্লান্ত সিরাজ মিয়া। ক্লানত্মি দূর করতে সে দাঁড়াল ডুমুর গাছের নিচে। ধলেশ্বরীর পাড় ঘেঁষে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে ডুমুর গাছটি। প্রমতা ধলেশ্বরী মরে গেলেও কালের সাৰী হয়ে বেঁচে আছে এ গাছ। ডুমুর গাছটির বয়স কত হতে পারে মনে করতে চেষ্টা করে। তার বয়স প্রায় পঞ্চাশ হলো। তাহলে ডুমুর গাছটির বয়স সত্তরের কম নয়। তার মনে হলো সত্তর বছর বয়সী গাছটি কত কিছুই না দেখেছে। ধলেশ্বরীর বুকে পদাঘাত করতে করতে এ অঞ্চলের মানুষ নাগরপুর যায়। ক্লান্ত শ্রান্ত হয়ে কিছুৰণের জন্য হলেও তারা ডুমুর গাছের নিচে বসে। ক্লানত্মি দূর হলে আবার পথে নামে। ডুমুর গাছটি কথা বলতে পারলে তার অভিজ্ঞতার কথা বলত। মন্ত্রমুগ্ধের মতো সবাই শুনত অজানা কথাগুলো।
সিরাজ মিয়া ভাবে ডুমুর গাছটি তার সঙ্গে কথা বলে। সে গাছের কথা বুঝতে পারে। তাই তো এখানে আসামাত্রই অতীত তার সামনে এসে দাঁড়ায়। অতীতে ফিরে যায় সিরাজ মিয়া। ধলেশ্বরীর বুক চিড়ে সারা বছরই স্টিমার লঞ্চ চলত। স্টিমারের ভেঁপুর প্রচ- শব্দে বাচ্চাদের ঘুম ভেঙ্গে যেত। সে নিজে, নামের নামে মিতা সিরাজ, বাবুল, ইয়াকুব, লাবু, মজনু, ফুলমিয়াসহ সমবয়সীরা দৌড়ে নদীর ঘাটে আসত। এ ডুমুর গাছে ওঠে লাফিয়ে পড়ত নদীতে। স্টিমারের সৃষ্টি করা বিশাল ঢেউয়ে তারা দোল খেত। নাকে কানে মুখে পানি যেত। চেখমুখ লাল করে বাড়ি ফিরত। মা-বাবার বকুনি খেত। কখনও কখনও চড়খাপ্পড়। প্রতিজ্ঞা করত সময়ে-অসময়ে নদীতে না নামার। স্টিমারের ভেঁপুর শব্দ কানে আসতেই ভুলে যেত মায়ের সঙ্গে করা প্রতিজ্ঞার কথা।
সেই ধলেশ্বরী এখন মৃত। মৃত বাবা। মিতা সিরাজ, লাবু, মজনু, ফুলমিয়া পৃথিবীর আলো বাতাসের বাইরে চলে গেছে। বাবুল, ইয়াকুব শহরের বাসিন্দা হয়ে গেছে।
সিরাজ মিয়া ঘামে ভেজা জামা, হাত-মুখ মুছতে মুছতে ভিজে যাওয়া গামছা রোদে ছড়িয়ে দিল। বসে পড়ল ঘাসের ওপর।
সিরাজ মিয়ার মনে হলো কদিন ধরে তার ভেতরে এক নতুন সিরাজের জন্ম হয়েছে। গত পঁচিশ বছরে এই সিরাজকে সে দেখেনি। গায়ের মানুষ বলে তার বাড়ি নাকি দেবীগৃহে। গাঁয়ের মানুষ মিছে কথা বলে না, সে জেনে গেছে। দেবীগৃহে অভাব আছে, তাতে দেবীগৃহের কেউ কাতর হয় না। দেবীগৃহে সমস্যা আছে। তাতে দেবীগৃহের কেউ কাতর হয় না। দেবীগৃহে সমস্যা আছে, সে সমস্যায় কেউ বিব্রত হয় না। কিভাবে সমস্যাগুলো সমাধান হয়ে যায় অনেক সদস্যই টের পায় না।
এ ক'দিনই সিরাজ মিয়ার মনে হয়েছে তার জন্য ব্যতিক্রম কিছু ঘটতে যাচ্ছে। যে কোন সময় সে ভেঙ্গে পড়তে পারে। এই ভেঙ্গে পড়ার কারণও সে জেনে গেছে। বৃষ্টি নেই। বোরো ধান গাছ পুড়ে যাচ্ছে। ৰেতের মাটি ফেটে চৌচির হয়ে গেছে। দেখলে মনে হয় ফসলের জমি নয়, বিরাটকায় মাকড়সার জাল। দু'একদিনের মধ্যে বৃষ্টি না হলে একমুঠো ধানও ঘরে তোলা যাবে না।
ধলেশ্বরীতে পানি থাকলে এতটা সমস্যা হতো না। মেশিন দিয়ে পানি দেয়া যেত। সিরাজ মিয়া ভাবে বৈশাখে কি পানি থাকবে, আষাঢ় শ্রাবণেও তো প্রায়ই পানি থাকে না। আর বৃষ্টি না হলে পানিইবা আসবে কোথা থেকে। সানত্ম্বনা খোঁজার চেষ্টা করে সিরাজ মিয়া। প্রকৃতির এভাবে বদলে যাওয়া কেন কোনো কারণ খুঁজে পায় না। ডুমুরের পাতার ফাঁক দিয়ে আসা রোদ তার গায়ে লাগে। উপরের দিকে তাকাল। পাতার ফাঁক দিয়ে আকাশ দেখল। বিশাল নীলাকাশ। মাঝে মাঝে সাদা মেঘের আনাগোনা আছে। এতে নীলটা বেশি বেশি মনে হচ্ছে। সিরাজ মিয়ার আরও মনে হলো আকাশ এখন আরও উঁচুতে উঠে গেছে।
সিরাজ মিয়া জানে সাদা মেঘ বাঁজা। এ মেঘ থেকে কখনও বৃষ্টি হয় না। মাথা ঘুরাল চারদিকে। কোথাও কালো মেঘ দেখতে পেল না যে মেঘ থেকে বৃষ্টি হয়। এক খ- কালো মেঘ কোথাও নেই। বিস্মিত হলো সে। তার মনে হলো সে যেন ভিন্ন কোন গ্রহে চলে এসেছে। তার চিরচেনা পথিবী এটা নয়। তার চেনা পৃথিবীতে চৈত্রেই কালবৈশাখী শুরম্ন হয়। কালবৈশাখীর কালো থাবায় ঘর ভাঙ্গে, গাছ ভাঙ্গে, গাছের ডাল ভাঙ্গে। সে ঝড়ের সঙ্গে বৃষ্টি হয়, শিলাবৃষ্টিও। বৃষ্টির পানির স্পর্শ পেয়ে ধানগাছের পাতা সবুজ থেকে সবুজময় হয়। যৌবন আসে ধানগাছে। যৌবনের উন্মাদনায় দুরনত্ম হয়ে ওঠে। গর্ভে সনত্মান আসে। সে সনত্মান পৃথিবীর আলো-বাতাসে এসে কোমল মিষ্টি হাসিতে ফেটে পড়ে। আনন্দে উদ্বেলিত হয়ে একসময় সোনালি আকার ধারণ করে। বাতাসে সোনালি ধানের নাচনে খুশিতে আত্মাহারা হয় মানুষ। হাসি তামাশায় গালগপ্পে বিভোর থেকে পুরম্নষরা ধান কেটে বাড়িতে নিয়ে আসে। বাড়ির মেয়েরা কোমরে অাঁচল বেঁধে মাড়াই করে রোদে শুকিয়ে সে ধান ঘরে তোলে। সিরাজের মনে হলো হাজার বছরের চলে আসা এ আনন্দ অধ্যায়ের যতি পড়েছে। এমন ভেবে একটা দীর্ঘশ্বাস ছাড়ল সিরাজ মিয়া। জুঁই ঘরে আসার পর কোন দীর্ঘশ্বাস সে ছেড়েছে কি না মনে করতে চেষ্টা করল, পারল না। গরম কমছে না। রোদের তেজও কমছে না। বসে থেকেও ক্লানত্ম ভাবটা দূর হচ্ছে না। গামছা বিছিয়ে শুয়ে পড়ল। ঠা-া মাটির স্পর্শে মুহূর্তেই তার শরীর জুড়িয়ে গেল। অনাবিল প্রশানত্মিতে তার চোখ বন্ধ হয়ে গেল। সে দেখতে পেল কালো মেঘে আকাশ ভরে গেছে। দেখতে না দেখতেই মুষলধারে বৃষ্টি শুরম্ন হলো। যাকে বলে ঝুম বৃষ্টি। নিমিষেই ৰেত-খামার ভরে যাচ্ছে। বৃষ্টির সঙ্গে মাঝারি ধরনের ঝড় বইছে। সে ঝড়ে আম পড়ছে। গাঁয়ের ছেলেমেয়েরা আম কুড়াতে বেরিয়ে পড়েছে। সিরাজ মিয়া আবিষ্কার করল গাঁয়ের ছেলেমেয়েদের মাঝে সেও রয়েছে। আম কুড়াতে কুড়াতে ব্যাগ ভরে গেছে। সবাই এক গাছ থেকে আরেক গাছে দৌড়াচ্ছে। তাকে দৌড়াতে হচ্ছে না। এক জায়গায় দাঁড়িয়েই প্রচুর আম পাচ্ছে। এত আম দিয়ে কি করবে বুঝতে পারল না। আম স্বত্ব বানাবে, আচার করবে আমের ভর্তা খাবে। অনেকদিন আমের ভর্তা খাওয়া হয় না। একটি ডাল ভেঙ্গে পড়ল। তাতে কারও আম কুড়ানো থামল না। নেশায় পেয়ে বসেছে যেন। প্রচ- শব্দে বিদু্যত চমকালো। যেন তার খুব কাছেই পড়ল। ভয়ে অাঁতকে উঠল কিশোর সিরাজ। ধরমড় করে ওঠে বসল। বসেই বুঝতে পারল সে ঘুমিয়ে গেছিল। এতৰণ স্বপ্নে মজেছিল। একা একাই হাসল সিরাজ মিয়া_ স্বপ্নে হলেও ছেলেবেলায় ফিরে গিয়েছিল। কি দুরনত্মই না ছিল সে। গ্রামটাকে মাথায় করে রাখত।
স্বপ্নের আবেশ কাটতেই ৰিধের বিষয়টা টের পেল। দেবী বউ ভাত নিয়ে বসে আছে। তার মুখচ্ছবি মনের আয়নায় দেখেই বাড়ির পথে পা বাড়াল সিরাজ মিয়া।
সিরাজ মিয়ার পত্নী জুঁই রাজশাহীর মেয়ে। দীর্ঘদেহী। তেমন ফর্সা না হলেও কালো বলা যাবে না। বয়স চলিস্নশ হলেও ত্রিশের বেশি কেউই বলবে না। পড়ালেখা তেমন জানে না। তবুও শহরের শুদ্ধ ভাষায় কথা বলে। তার সঙ্গে কথা বললে জুঁইকে দেখা মাত্রই তার সব সমস্যা মুহূর্তেই দূর হয়, মন ভাল হয়ে যায়। শুধু জুঁইয়ের কারণেই এ বাড়ির পরিচয় দেবীগৃহ। দেবীর সঙ্গে যে কথা বলে সেই মুগ্ধ হয়। কথা বলে যাওয়ার সময় বলে আবার আসব। 'সংসার সুখের হয় রমণীর গুণে' এই রহস্য শিখাতে বউকে নিয়ে আসব।
ক'দিন আগের একটি ঘটনা মনে পড়ল সিরাজ মিয়ার। জেলা থেকে এক অফিসার এসেছিল গ্রামের স্কুলের অনুষ্ঠানে। অনুষ্ঠান শেষে সিরাজ মিয়াকে ডেকে অফিসার বলেছিল, সিরাজ সাহেব আপনার ছেলেমেয়েরা খেলাধুলায় প্রথম, পরীৰায়ও প্রথম, কথাবার্তায় সবার চেয়ে ব্যতিক্রম, বলুন তো রহস্য কী ? সেদিন ঐ অফিসারের কথার কোন জবাব দিতে পারেনি। জবাব দিয়েছিল ফজল মেম্বার। মেম্বার বলেছিল সিরাজ মিয়ার বাড়ি তো সাধারণ বাড়ি নয়, সাৰাত দেবীগৃহ, এটাই রহস্য। মেম্বারের কথায় চমকে উঠেছিল অফিসার। দেবীগৃহ মানে! ওখানে কি কোন দেবী বাস করে? সে দেবী কি দৃশ্যমান না অদৃশ্যমান?
স্যার, সে দেবী দৃশ্যমান। সে দেবী সিরাজ মিয়ার বউ। বলেন কী? এককথায় অবিশ্বাস্য। সে দেবীর সঙ্গে কথা বলা যাবে। কেন যাবে না স্যার, অবশ্যই যাবে।
অফিসার বাড়িতে এলেন, জুঁইয়ের সঙ্গে কথা বললেন। যাওয়ার সময় বললেন আবার আসব তবে একা নয়, মিসেসকে নিয়ে আসব। বাড়িতে ঢোকা মাত্রই জুঁই দেবী বলল, তোমার কি হয়েছে বল তো? ক'দিন ধরে দেখছি সময়মতো খাওয়া-দাওয়া কর না। শুধু ৰেতখামারে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছ। কারণ কী!
আমার সমস্যা কি কোন সময় তোমারে কইছি। তুমি তো না কইতেই বুঝবার পার।
মুচকি হেসে জুঁই বলল, তা পারি। স্বামীর মনের অবস্থা বুঝতে না পারলে আর পত্নী কেন? জুঁই বলল, বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে না ধান পুড়ে যাচ্ছে এতে তো তোমার-আমার হাত নেই। প্রকৃতি বদলে যাচ্ছে, তুমি আমি কি করব! তাছাড়া এ সমস্যা তো তোমার একার নয়, গাঁয়ের সব মানুষের। তুমি তো ঠিক কতাই কইছ। কিন্তু চোখের সামনে ধানগাছ সব পুইড়া যাইত্যাছে, কিছুই করবার পারতাছি না, মন তো মানে না। আইজ-কাইলের মধ্যে বিষ্টি না রইলে এক মুঠ ধানও ঘরে উঠব না। তা তো সবাই জানে। আর জেনেই কি লাভ। এত ভাবাভাবির চেয়ে গাঁয়ের মানুষ মিলে বৃষ্টির জন্য নামাজ পড়, আলস্নাহর কাছে কান্নাকাটি কর। আলস্নাহ বৃষ্টি দেবে। এখন হাতমুখ ধুয়ে আস আমি খাবার আনছি। জুঁই চলে গেল।
জুঁইয়ের কথা ভাবতে থাকে সিরাজ মিয়া। এর আগেও খরা হয়েছে। গাঁয়ের মানুষ আলস্নাহর কাছে নামাজ পড়ে বৃষ্টি চেয়েছে, বৃষ্টি হয়েছে। আলস্নাহর প্রতি এই অমলিন বিশ্বাসের কারণেই তার বাড়ি দেবীবাড়ি খ্যাত হয়েছে। ভব্যসভ্য বদলে গেছে। তার সাংসারিক আয়ে স্বচ্ছলতা আসার কোন যুক্তি নেই। অথচ গত পঁচিশ বছরে তার ঘরে কোন অভাব কেউ দেখেনি। কি করে দেবীবউ সংসার সামলায় সে বোঝে না। খাবার ঘরে ঢুকে সিরাজ মিয়া দেখল, একজনের খাবার সাজানো। তোমার খাবার কই। তুমি খাইবা না, সিরাজ মিয়া জিজ্ঞেস করল।
_পরে খাব। এখনও গোসল করতে পারিনি।
_ক্যান গোসল করতে পারনি ক্যান।
_টিউবওয়েলে পানি ওঠে না। কুয়ায়ও পানি নেই। তাই গোসল করা হয়নি।
_কি যে রইল দেবী বউ, বুঝবার পারত্যাছি না। বিষ্টি নাই, কলে পানি নাই, কুয়ায় পানি নাই। দুনিরা থিকা আলস্নায় কী সব শানত্মি তুইলা নিয়া যাইত্যাছে। মানুষরে কষ্ট দিয়া আলস্নাহ কী লাভ পায় কওচে বউ।
_কি যে বল তুমি। আলস্নাহ কেন মানুষকে কষ্ট দিবে। দেখবে দু-একদিনের মধ্যেই বৃষ্টি হবে।
বউয়ের কথায় চমকে গেল সিরাজ মিয়া। অবাক বিস্ময়ে সে তাকাল জুঁইয়ের দিকে। এতদিন বৃষ্টি নিয়ে একটা কথাও বলেনি দেবীবউ। আজ বলল, দু-একদিনের মধ্যেই বৃষ্টি হবে। সিরাজ মিয়া আশ্বসত্ম হলো। দেবী যখন বলেছে তখন বৃষ্টি হবেই। দেবীবউয়ের প্রতি তার বিশ্বাসের শেষ সীমা নেই।
সিরাজ মিয়া লৰ্য করল তার দেহমন এখন ঝরঝরে। কোন ক্লেশের লেমমাত্র অনুভূত হলো না। ভাবল বৃষ্টি হবে, সোনালি ধানে ভরে যাবে ৰেতখামার। ধান কাটার উৎসবে মেতে উঠবে গায়ের মানুষ। খেতে খেতে সেই উৎসবের পরিকল্পনা করতে থাকল সিরাজ মিয়া।
NFS Most Wanted Song List
Thursday, December 23, 2010
NFS Most Wanted Song List
* Avenged Sevenfold- Blinded In Chains
* Bullet For My Valentine- Hand Of Blood
* Celldweller feat. Styles Of Beyond- Shapeshifter
* Celldweller- One Good Reason
* Dieselboy + Kaos- Barrier Break
* Disturbed- Decadence
* DJ Spooky And Dave Lombardo- B-Side Wins Again feat. Chuck D
* Evol Intent, Mayhem & Thinktank- Broken Sword
* Hush- Fired Up
* Hyper- We Control
* Ils- Feed The Addiction
* Jamiroquai- Feels Just Like It Should (Timo Maas Remix)
* Juvenile- Sets Go Up
* Lupe Fiasco- Tilted
* Mastodon- Blood And Thunder
* Rock- I Am Rock
* Static-X- Skinnyman
* Stratus- You Must Follow (Evol Intent VIP)
* Styles Of Beyond- Nine Thou (Superstars Remix)
* Suni Clay- In A Hood Near You
* T.I. Presents The P$C- Do Ya Thang
* The Perceptionists- Let’s Move
* The Prodigy- You’ll Be Under My Wheels
* The Roots And BT- Tao Of The Machine (Scott Humphrey’s Remix)
Download the songs for free by clicking the title or, choose save target as/save link as:
Song Name | Size | |
01-=-nine thou (superstars remix).mp3 | 6.95 MB | |
02-=-do ya thang.mp3 | 7.47 MB | |
03-=-i am rock.mp3 | 6.18 MB | |
04-=-in a hood near you.mp3 | 7.28 MB | |
05-=-let's move.mp3 | 5.32 MB | |
06-=-sets go up.mp3 | 6.63 MB | |
07-=-fired up.mp3 | 6.07 MB | |
08-=-b-side wins again feat. chuck d.mp3 | 8.29 MB | |
09-=-shapeshifter.mp3 | 6.02 MB | |
10-=-tilted.mp3 | 6.25 MB | |
11-=-feed the addiction.mp3 | 7.13 MB | |
12-=-one good reason.mp3 | 6.23 MB | |
13-=-we control.mp3 | 5.30 MB | |
14-=-skinnyman.mp3 | 6.20 MB | |
15-=-barrier break.mp3 | 11.85 MB | |
16-=-decadence.mp3 | 6.03 MB | |
17-=- The Prodigy - you'll be under my wheels | 7.10 MB | |
18-=-tao of the machine (scott humphrey's remix).mp3 | 5.67 MB | |
19-=-you must follow (evol intent vip).mp3 | 7.17 MB | |
20-=-blood and thunder.mp3 | 6.74 MB | |
21-=-broken sword.mp3 | 10.96 MB | |
22-=-hand of blood.mp3 | 6.03 MB | |
23-=-the mann.mp3 | 6.35 MB | |
24-=-blinded in chains.mp3 | 10.82 MB | |
25-=-feels just like it should (timo maas remix).mp3 | 5.47 MB | |
26-=-most wanted mash up.mp3 | 6.52 MB |
The lyrics of these songs are Comming soon in the directory of LyricsDemon! Keepwatching... ;)
artist: Shironamhin
lyric: Farhan
shur: Tushar, Farhan
কথা: ফারহান
সুর: তুষার, ফারহান
কথা ছিলো সূর্যের মৃত্যুকালে ছিনাবি তাহার আত্মা ।
কথা ছিলো নীল মেঘ হতে নিয়ে আসবি যন্ত্রনা ।
কথা ছিলো পাপ হতে ধুয়ে ফেলবি তোর শঙ্খ শরীর ।
কথা ছিলো সাঁঝকালে ভালবাসবি মোর নীরজাকে ।
শুয়ে শুয়ে হাত পাতি আধার মাঝে
যদি ঝরে পড়ে তোর অশ্রু ।
কান পাতি শব্দহীন অলিক চরাচর
যদি ভেসে আসে তোর আহবান ।
ঘুম ভেঙ্গে জেগে দেখি দাসত্বের সহস্র বছর
ঘুম ভেঙ্গে জেগে দেখি মৃত্যু শিয়রে শুনছে প্রহর
কথা ছিলো মোর অপরাধের তরীতে ভাসাবি তোর সস্ত্বা ।
কথা ছিলো অর্থহীন চুম্বণ পাবে নতুন সময় ।
কথা ছিলো পঙ্কিল সাগর হতে নিয়ে আসবি আমায় ।
কথা ছিলো আজন্ম অমাবস্যার মৃত্যু এখনি ।
শুনে দেখি কান দিয়ে শুধু শূন্যতা
ছুঁয়ে দেখি চোখ দিয়ে, প্রিয়া অন্যথা
র্নিবান যন্ত্রনায় লাশকাটা ঘরে
ঘুমোও আমার মানুষ ।
"Boys Will Be Boys"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
artist: BackStreet Boys
album: BackStreet Boys
year: 1995
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys (hey)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys
You've got something
So incredible in my eyes
And my heart (and my heart)
It starts pumpin' (pumpin')
Whenever you're around
The whole world's upside down baby
But I try to get closer
And you always push me away
You tell me it's much too soon
But I just can't help it
I always gotta make a play
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys (hey hey)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Baby, boys will be boys
All my senses
Go right into overdrive
Oh my defenses
I'm never gonna hope
I always gotta lose control
And I hear you say
That you think that we should wait
And I can't hold on anymore
My body's callin' for you
So please don't hesitate
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys (you oughta know by now baby)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh (oh baby)
Boys will be boys
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh (oh oh)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys (you oughta know by now baby)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys (I gotta do what I gotta do baby)
Go go go...
And I hear you say
That you think that we should wait
And I can't hold on anymore
My body's callin' for you
So please don't hesitate
My body's callin' for you
So please don't hesitate
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be be boys (boys will be boys)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys (you oughta know by now baby)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh (oh oh yeah)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Boys will be boys (you know I gotta do what I gotta do baby)
Oh ooh oh ooh oh oh
Oh ooh oh ooh oh
Baby, boys will be boys (boys will be boys)
"Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)"
artist: BackStreet Boys
album: BackStreet Boys
year: 1995
Baby, oh
Even in my heart I see
You're not bein' true to me
Deep within my soul I feel
Nothing's like it used to be
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad baby
Quit play's games with my heart
Quit playin' games with my heart (with my heart)
Before you tear us apart (my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart
I should've known from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearin' us apart (my heart, my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart
I live my life the way
To keep you comin' back to me
Everything I do is for you
So what is it that you can't see
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time, impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
You better quit playin' games with my heart
Quit playin' games
Baby, baby the love that we had was so strong
Don't leave me hangin' here forever
Oh baby, baby this is not alright, let's stop this tonight
Baby, oh
Quit playin' games
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na baby
Na na na na na
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time, impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
Quit playin' games with my heart
Quit playin' games with my heart
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na baby
Na na na na na
"I'll Never Break Your Heart"
artist: BackStreet Boys
album: BackStreet Boys
year: 1995
Baby, I know you're hurting
Right now you feel like you could never
Love again
Now all I ask is for a chance
To prove that I love you
From the first day
That I saw your smiling face
Honey, I knew that we would
Be together forever
Ooh when I asked you out
You said no but I found out
Darling that you'd been hurt
You felt like you'd never love again
I deserve a try honey just once
Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong
You walked in, you were so quick to judge
But honey he' s nothing like me
I'll never break your heart
I'll never make you cry
I'd rather die than live without you
I'll give you all of me
Honey, that's no lie
As time goes by
You will get to know me
A little more better
Girl that's the way love goes baby, baby
And I (I) know you're afraid (know you're afraid)
To let your feelings show (feelings show)
And I understand
Girl, it's time to let go (girl, it's time to let go because)
I deserve a try (try) honey
Just once (once)
Give me a chance (chance) and I'll prove this all wrong (wrong you walked)
You walked in, you were so quick to judge (quick to judge)
But honey he's nothing like me
Darling why can't you see
[Chorus (2x)]
No way, no how (I'll never break your heart girl, I'll never make you cry)
I swear (Oh I, oh I, I swear)
No way, no how (I'll never break your heart girl, I'll never make you cry)
[Chorus (3x)]
"Get Down (You're The One For Me)"
artist: BackStreet Boys
album: BackStreet Boys
year: 1995
You're the one for me
You're my ecstasy
You're the one I need
Hey, yeah
Get down
Get down
And move it all around
Hey baby love I need a girl like you
But tell me if you feel it too
I'm in delusion every minute every hour
My heart is crying out for you
I feel in heaven when I look in your eyes
I know that you are the one for me (one for me)
You drive me crazy cuz
You're one of a kind
I want your lovin'
And I want it right now
[Chorus (2x)]
Ooh baby you're so fine
I'm gonna make you mine
Your lips they taste so sweet
You're the one for me
You're my ecstasy
You're the one I need
Rap: Smooth T.
Bang, bang, bang
Here we come
Here we slam
It's the Fun Factory
with the BSB's
All the girls
Get on your knees
Tryin' to scream
Or touch me please
Backstreet Boys
Are you with it (yeah)
A.J. hit it
Come on girl and get down
Smack it up
Flip it
And move it all around
Here it is if you wanna get with this
Put you on the top of my list, uh
[Chorus (2x)]
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh
You're the one for me
You're my ecstasy
You're the one I need
[Chorus (6x)]
Anywhere For You
artist: BackStreet Boys
album: BackStreet Boys
year: 1995
I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to
I'd walk halfway around the world
For just one kiss from you
Far beyond the call of love
The sun, the stars, the moon
As long as your love's there to lead me
I won't lose my way believe me
Even through the darkest night you know
I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to
Your love as far as I can see
Is all I'm ever gonna need
There's one thing for sure
I know it's true
Baby, I'd go anywhere for you
I used to think that dreams were just
For sentimental fools
And I'd never find someone
Who'd give their love so true
But I knew the very minute
Couldn't live my life without you in it
And now I want the whole world
To know
Hey baby, hey baby, hey baby, oohhh
[Chorus (2x)]
We've Got It Goin On
artist: BackStreet Boys
album: BackStreet Boys
year: 1995
Everybody grove to the music
Everybody jam
Oh, hey
We've been waiting so long
Just can't hold it back no more
Creepin' up and down now
It's time for me to let it go
If you really wanna see
What we can do for you
Send the crazy wildin' static
Sing it
Jam on cuz Backstreet's got it
Come on now everybody
We've got it goin' on for years
We've got it goin' on for years [2x]
Well I'm creepin' up on your left
Straight up funky when I get with you
Keep it ruthless when I get wet
Keep the party packed in my corner
Tough like granite to keep the crowd hype
Get up on this just to get right
What you want it what you gonna get
Backstreet's got the special effects, uh
If you really wanna see
What we can do for you, oh
I'll send the crazy wildin' static
Sing it
We've got it goin' on for years [2x]
We've been waiting so long
Just can't hold it back no more
(just can't hold it back no more)
Creepin' up and down now
It's time for me to let it go [2x]
Jam on, jam on
Everybody groove to the music
Everybody jam
We've got it goin' on
Fired Up
artist: Hush ft. Rabbi
My crew is all fired up
Y'all better just wise up
Everybody gettin' sized up
Before we all rise up
Start runnin' your times up
Cuz' when my crew ride up
The sky gon' light up
Everybody get FIRED UP!!!
Verse 1
I walk this planet the most rugged
Most can only see this heat but don't touch it
Cuz' you might get 'em burned
When I come through it's my turn
Never get in my way or you're getting' rolled over
Like Rover cuz' my fist's a bulldozer
I throw these dogs in the street to melodys
Like a heartbeat playing against piano keys
It's a breeze 365 degrees
Turn around and you might catch these so justt freeze
A riddle with no clues I'm a walking nightmare
Anywhere anytime boy I don't fight fair
A day in my shoes is a day with no fear
So walk barefooted and save your whole year
And I wear a mouthpiece cuz' I grit my teeth
So just bite your tongue before you get your ass beat?
In the club to a beat
In the street wit' a beef in the heat
If it's black or it's white
If it's wrong or it's right day or night
Don't matter if you win or you lose
Only one thing to do
Put it down every town every city
If you feel me and you wit' me
Verse 2
I'm an S.O.B.
That's a son of a bitch homie you don't know me
I was put here to slap you silly and clap Billy
And clap everything in the track like Mac Milly's
And that's just the half really
You don't wanna see the other side I suggest you act quickly
And ran swiftly and get outta my way before the gats empty
(C'MON!!!) and just tempt me?
Churi chapati
Monday, December 13, 2010
artist: Deshi MCs
Churi chapati ram puri bair kor
5gun shot gun
hate loiya chol
Olite golite polapain kore shor
Ganjam korte gele hala sob dey dour. .
Tarchira matha gorom amar, pistol load
Amar bari puran dhaka, nasimuddin road
Koyeksokun hat hate
bonduk loia fitfat,
Lal bandana poira
ekakate utpat
Komore j loha thakle sob thikthak
togo elakate aiya porbo
Kobutorer jhak,
body language bangali
ami kori galagali
make ur deadbody
send them back to Noakhali
Ai cinema te kono vala jinis nai
kopakupi maramari r samsubhai
Baler polapain kono joggota nai
Bangla rab togo nise agun jalai
Ami dhakaia pola
komore rakhi 3ta
Raat baje 12ta
korina kono china
Tar naam kora
protiti golite bonduk hate
birimukhe polapain ekloge hey . . .
Prabhato Samaye sachir aanginar majhe
artist: Amar Pal
prabhato samaye sachir aanginar majhe
gorchand nachiya berai re
jago ni go sachi mata
gour aailo prem data
ghare ghare harir naam bilai re
ratulo charane shonar nupuro
runu jhunu runu jhunu baje re
Tumari Porosh
artist: Porshi
album: Unknown
Ami joto vesi valo bashi tumai tar che vesi valo baste chai,Ami joto vesi kache asi tumar, tar che vesi kache aste chai,__Valo..base amake naw jor..i..a,Tumar premer choyate dao ragiye...__Valo..beshe amake naw jor..i..a,Tumar premer choyate dao ragiye....
Sokaler sona rod protidin amar gum vagai ..Chok mele-e ai hridoy Tumari Porosh chai..
Sokaler suna rod protidin amar gum vagai ..Chok mele-e ai hridoy Tumari porosh pete chai...Valo..beshe amake naw jor..i..a,Tumar premer choyate dao ragiye...Valo..beshe amake naw jor..i..a Tumar premer choyate dao ragiye...
Himel howate ai mun jorale go hai..tubo a mun jore na to judi kache na pai tumai..
Himel howate ai mun jorale go hai...tubo a mun jore na to judi kache na pai tumai..Valo..beshe amake naw jor..i..a,tumar premer choyate dao ragiye...Valo..beshe amake naw jor..i..a Tumar premer choyate dao ragiye...
Aamake Amar Moto Thakte Dao
artist: Unknown
album: Unknown
Aamake amar moto thakte dao
Ami nijeke nijer moto guchiye niyechi...
Aamake amar moto thakte dao
Ami nijeke nijer moto guchiye niyechi
Jeta chilo na chilo na seta na paoai thak
shob pele noshto jibon
Tomar ei duniyar jhapsha aloye
Kichu shondher guro hawa kancher moto
Jodi ude jete chao tobe ga bhashiye dao
durbine chok rakhbona na na
Na na na na............
Ei jahaj mastul chadkhar
Tobu golpo likhchi panchbar
Ami rakhte chai na ar tar
Kono raat dupurer abdar
Tai chesta korchi bar bar
Shantre par howa jaaaaaaaay.......
Kokhono akash beye chup kore
Jodi neme ashe bhalobasha khub bhore
Chokh bhanga ghume tumi khujo na amay
ashe pashe ami aar nei
Aamar jonno aalo Jelo na keu
Ami manusher Shomudre gunechi dheu
Ami station-er chottore hariye gechi
Shesh train-e ghore firbo na na na
Na na na na.........
Ei jahaj mastul chadkhar
Tobu golpo likhchi panchbar
Ami rakhte chai na aar tar
Kono raat dupurer abdar
Tai chesta korchi bar bar
Shantre par howa jaaaaaaaay.......
Na na na na na naa naaaaaaaaaaa.........
Tomar rokte ache shopno joto
Tara chutche ratri-din nijer moto
Kokhono shomoy pele ektu bhebo
Anguler phanke aami koi
Hisheber bhire ami chai na chute
Joto shukno peyajkoli fridger sheete
Ami obelar dalbhate phuriye gechi
Gelasher jole bhashbo na na na
Na na na na na...........
Ei jahaj mastul chadkhar
Tobu golpo likhchi panchbar
Ami rakhte chai na ar tar
Kono raat dupurer abdar
Tai chesta korchi bar bar
Shantre par howa jaaaaaaaay.......
Na na na na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
Na na na na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
Na na na na na na na naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......
artist: Hridoy Khan
Hole keno bolo etota dure
Bolo tumi bolo sore keno gale
Ki vule o karano aaj sobie vanga (2)
Aamake vulei ki
Acho valo tumi
Diye jao sei protikhon
Ja keteche valobashe
eto ta ashohai
nijeke lage
abar mone kori
eto hote hoi
a somoi e.....
Bole jao kono upai
Jaa niye bachbo
Amake vulei ki
Acho valo tumi
Diye jao sei protikhon
Ja keteche valobashe
Somoi etota keno
Aghat ane ooooo
Lagena kisu valo
Bojhai ke vitor ta ke
Ki jani asbe ki
Sonali se din gulo
Kyun aaj oh sare pal
Jhute lamhe laage
Kiya oh bitein lamhe
Tujhe yaad na yaa
Kise pata kyun hain khapa
Hain tujhe batain
Na jane huin kiya
Gustaki a aise
Gurash hain tujhse
Oh bitein pal lotain de mujhe...
Amar Shukher Shathe (Lyrics with Chords)
artist: Habib
Beat: 4/4
Amar………………… shukher shathey……………..
tumi, …………………Milaley.………………anon…...
do. Tobey……………..amar ganer shathey…..….
tumi,…………………. Mileye dao………chchon…...
do. (Music)……………...………………………….……..
Amar………………… shukher shathey………………
tumi, …………………Milaley.………………anon…..
do. Tobey……………..amar ganer shathey…..….
tumi,…………………. Mileye dao………chchon…..
do. (Music)……………...…………………….…………..
Verse 1:
Onek durer ………..thekey,……………………mish.
ti hashir oi ………………shada paeyra …….ura….
ley..………………………..Amar hather ………..…….
Shathey tomar….. Komol…. hath…………bara..
Tashtakey………….. shoriey….. diey.…….………..
Anley……………...dokhina ………mridu..…..……..
Chchondo...… hm mm mm…………………………..
Amar………………… shukher shathey………………
tumi, …………………Milaley.………………anon…...
do. Tobey……………..amar ganer shathey……….
tumi,…………………. Mileye dao………chchon…….
do. (Music)……………...…………………………………..
Verse 2:
Shesh okhkhor…. thekey,…………………shrish…
ti ganer ….modhur….. melody tumi….chora….
ley…………………………..Kajol chokher…..….……
shathey shondha,……Maya tuku……..……mila…
ley……….………………….Mo………dhur …………mi
lon holo ……………….jokhon,…………………….….
Janiey diley……………..shottyeo achche kichchu
Gondho………. hm mm mm………………………….
Repeat chorus twice.
Ami Zodi duiba mori
artist: Arnob
Ami zodi duiba mori voboshagore. . .
Ashbi ki tui amar kase duiba opare. . .
Chaira ashlam shob tor ghate. .
Ek hate kotha
r mon onno hate. .
Chaira ashbo shob tor kase. .
Cholre amar shathe jabo opare. . .
Duiba gele miesha jabo
Zodi amar mon hare sheshe. .
Duiba gele miesha jabo
Vanga jhinuker deshe. .
Rattri hole shagor pare
Khuija hate nibi sheshe????
Godhulir Opare
artist: Shunno
album: Shunno
Vuler srote vule jawa
Sopno tomar fire pawa
Ghum furonor vore tomari hote
Moner govire rekhe deya
Sopne tomar eke jawa
Fele asha godhulite tomakei
khuje fera(2x)
Chorus:Cholo aaj fire jai godhulir
Ghum neme asa akashtake
Hoy ni dhora vuler srote
Hoy ni chowa oi alor sopnochura
Surjo dhaka vorer pothe
Hariye jawa sritir sathe
Tomake fire pete amar opekkha
Sobdohin baluchore,fire eshe
amar ogochore
Rangiye dao aaj tomar ronge
Rongosoner sei alote,bolte chai
aaj tomake
Na bola onuvuti vashay fele
Khuje Firi
artist: Hridoy Khan
album: Shoto Asha
Kisu pabar ashai shopnogulo aj shottir pothe. .
Kisu dekhabo bole shopnogulo aj muktir pothe. .
Aj shob poth peria shoto badha eria lokkho khujte chai.
Aj hate rekhe hat shopnogulo aj ekshathe
Vule jabo na bole shopnogulo aj shrishtir pothe
Ashagulo aj aalo hoa jole othe
Ashagulo aj heshe tripti nai
Ete nei kono pichutan nei kono badha. .
Dola de re
artist: Mila
album: Unknown
Beat 4/4
Bm A G A
Graame gonje pala ganer monche
Bm A G A
Ontore bondore khobor dia de
Bm A G A
Mathe ghate ar shohor tollate
Bm A G A
Hawai hawai dheu tule de
Bm A G A
Graame gonje pala ganer monche
Bm A G A
Ontore bondore khobor dia de
Bm A G A
Mathe ghate ar shohor tollate
Bm A G A
Hawai hawai dheu tule de
Bm A G A
Mukhe mukhe shara tule dere tui
Bm A G A
Bondi monta ujar kore de
Dola de dola de dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere yeh e ae yeh e ae
Verse 1:
Bm A G A
Oi ache chawa pawa khushir joare veshe jawa
Bm A G A
Shashon baron manina ajke udashi mon nijai hawa
Bm A G A
Oi ache chawa pawa khushir joare veshe jawa
Bm A G A
Shashon baron manina ajke udashi mon nijai hawa
Dola de dola de dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere yeh e ae yeh e ae
Verse 2:
Bm A G A
Brishti fotai vije vije dakche amai dakche kere
Bm A G A
Himel hawai monta ure ashche batash asche tere
Dola de dola de dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere dola dere pagla
Bm A G A
Dola dere yeh e ae yeh e ae
Repeat chorus.
SSC Routine 2011
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Chotto bhai o bonera... tomader jonno roilo oshesh shuveccha... ami ajkey net e routine ta pelam nd shathe shathe site e upload kore dilam... tomra jara ssc candidate of 2011, tara taratari kore ei routine ta download kore print kore nao...
jodi amar ei routine upload korar fole karo shammanno upokar hoy, taholey ami nijeke onek dhonno mone korbo... Thanks...
R download kore kintu obosshoy comment korba nijer name shoho... Bye... Good Luck nd wish u a very brilliant result in ssc 2011... ;)
Then start download the routine by pressing right click on the image and then choose "Save Target As" or, "Save Image As ... :)
[caption id="attachment_2811" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Secondary School Certificate 2011 (SSC 2011)"]
Yours truly,
Boma Hamla
Thursday, December 09, 2010
artist: Deshi MC's
album: Banned
Roktim Shinhashon
artist: Stoic Bliss
album: Light Years Ahead (Alokborsho Dure)
Nil Monihar
artist: Lucky Akhand
album: Unknown
This song is pretty simple and fun to play….
I play it by holding the chords and plucking the strings in the following pattern...
The same pattern of plucking is followed throughout the whole song....
Plucking pattern (Strings):
Ei neel monihar
Ei shornali din a
Tomai Diye Gelam
Shudhu Mone Rekho ( x 2)
Dip jaala raat jaani ashbe abar
Ketey jaabe jibon er shokol adhar
------------------------------------------ C--
Somoy er janalai dariye theke shudhu amai deko
Shudhu amai deko
Shondhani mon koto chonde mogon
Firey paabo bujhi shei gaan er logon
Nilimay duti chokh vashiye diye potho cheye theko
Potho cheye theko
Ei Nil…….Shudhu Mone Rekho (repeat)
Collected from: http://www.indianguitartabs.com/
Protibad (Lyrics)
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
artist: Cryptic Fate
album: Unknown
Cokher joto jol,moner betha voy
Tumi dao aj kore ujaar
Ami nebo apon kore
Jeno ai sobie chilo amar.
Jotodin achi ami,khujbo tomay
Dekhbo er sesh kothay?
Jokhonie ami khub kacha kachi
Thikana dure shore jay..ha hayyyy
Jiboner mane,lukie morone
Sotto lukie mitthay.
Eshober arale,acho jekhane
Ami khuji sei tomay.
Jotodin achi ami,khujbo tomay
Dekhbo er sesh kothay
Jokhonie ami khub kacha kachi
Thikana dure shore jay.
Protibad (chokher joto jol)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Protibad (chokher joto jol)
Artist:Criptic Fate
originally tabbed by:coolno9
Chokher joto jol...(C, Em)
moner bheta bhoy...(Am, Em)
tumi dao aj shob kore ujar....(Am, G, C)
same repeat...
/ slide up
slide down
ইন্টারনেট লাইন বন্ধ
Monday, May 24, 2010
Balam 3 (III)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
[free download all the mp3 songs of Balam 3 album]
Song List And Direct Download Link:
Dos and Run line Commands & Shortcuts
Sunday, April 18, 2010
1. Accessibility Controls - access.cpl
2. Add Hardware Wizard -hdwwiz.cpl
3. Add/Remove Programs -appwiz.cpl
4. Administrative Tools- control admintools
5. Automatic Updates- wuaucpl.cpl
6. Bluetooth Transfer Wizard-fsquirt
7. Calculator- calc
8. Certificate Manager- certmgr.msc
9. Character Map -charmap
10. Check Disk Utility -chkdsk
11. Clipboard Viewer- clipbrd
12. Command Prompt cmd
13. Component Services dcomcnfg
14. Computer Management compmgmt.msc
15. timedate.cpl ddeshare
16. Device Manager devmgmt.msc
17. Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* directx.cpl
18. Direct X Troubleshooter dxdiag
19. Disk Cleanup Utility cleanmgr
20. Disk Defragment dfrg.msc
21. Disk Management diskmgmt.msc
22. Disk Partition Manager diskpart
23. Display Properties control desktop
24. Display Properties desk.cpl
25. Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) control color
26. Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility drwtsn32
27. Driver Verifier Utility verifier
28. Event Viewer eventvwr.msc
29. File Signature Verification Tool sigverif
30. Findfast findfast.cpl
31. Folders Properties control folders
32. Fonts control fonts
33. Fonts Folder fonts
34. Free Cell Card Game freecell
35. Game Controllers joy.cpl
36. Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) gpedit.msc
37. Hearts Card Game mshearts
38. Iexpress Wizard iexpress
39. Indexing Service ciadv.msc
40. Internet Properties inetcpl.cpl
41. IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) ipconfig /all
42. IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) ipconfig /displaydns
43. IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) ipconfig /flushdns
44. IP Configuration (Release All Connections) ipconfig /release
45. IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) ipconfig /renew
46. IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS) ipconfig /registerdns
47. IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) ipconfig /showclassid
48. IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) ipconfig /setclassid
49. Java Control Panel (If Installed) jpicpl32.cpl
50. Java Control Panel (If Installed) javaws
51. Keyboard Properties control keyboard
52. Local Security Settings secpol.msc
53. Local Users and Groups lusrmgr.msc
54. Logs You Out Of Windows logoff
55. Microsoft Chat winchat
56. Minesweeper Game winmine
57. Mouse Properties control mouse
58. Mouse Properties main.cpl
59. Network Connections control netconnections
60. Network Connections ncpa.cpl
61. Network Setup Wizard netsetup.cpl
62. Notepad notepad
63. Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) nvtuicpl.cpl
64. Object Packager packager
65. ODBC Data Source Administrator odbccp32.cpl
66. On Screen Keyboard osk
67. Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) ac3filter.cpl
68. Password Properties password.cpl
69. Performance Monitor perfmon.msc
70. Performance Monitor perfmon
71. Phone and Modem Options telephon.cpl
72. Power Configuration powercfg.cpl
73. Printers and Faxes control printers
74. Printers Folder printers
75. Private Character Editor eudcedit
76. Quicktime (If Installed) QuickTime.cpl
77. Regional Settings intl.cpl
78. Registry Editor regedit
79. Registry Editor regedit32
80. Remote Desktop mstsc
81. Removable Storage ntmsmgr.msc
82. Removable Storage Operator Requests ntmsoprq.msc
83. Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) rsop.msc
84. Scanners and Cameras sticpl.cpl
85. Scheduled Tasks control schedtasks
86. Security Center wscui.cpl
87. Services services.msc
88. Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc
89. Shuts Down Windows shutdown
90. Sounds and Audio mmsys.cpl
91. Spider Solitare Card Game spider
92. SQL Client Configuration cliconfg
93. System Configuration Editor sysedit
94. System Configuration Utility msconfig
95. System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately) sfc /scannow
96. System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot) sfc /scanonce
97. System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) sfc /scanboot
98. System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting) sfc /revert
99. System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) sfc /purgecache
100. System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) sfc /cachesize=x
101. System Properties sysdm.cpl
102. Task Manager taskmgr
103. Telnet Client telnet
104. User Account Management nusrmgr.cpl
105. Utility Manager utilman
106. Windows Firewall firewall.cpl
107. Windows Magnifier magnify
108. Windows Management Infrastructure wmimgmt.msc
109. Windows System Security Tool syskey
110. Windows Update Launches wupdmgr
111. Windows XP Tour Wizard tourstart
112. Wordpad write
Run Line Commands:
1. These are GUI applications that can be opened from the run line.
2. These applications are not located in the C:\windows\system32\ directory, the
3. keys for these applications are located in the registry under:
4. HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\app paths
5. BCKGZM.EXE – Backgammon
6. CHKRZM.EXE – Checkers
7. CONF.EXE – NetMeeting
8. DIALER.EXE – Phone Dialer
9. HELPCTR.EXE – Help and Support
10. HRTZZM.EXE – Internet Hearts
11. HYPERTRM.EXE – HyperTerminal
12. ICWCONN1.EXE – Internet Connection Wizard
13. IEXPLORE.EXE – Internet Explorer
14. INETWIZ.EXE – Setup Your Internet Connection
15. INSTALL.EXE – User’s Folder
16. MIGWIZ.EXE – File and Settings Transfer Wizard
17. MOVIEMK.EXE – Windows Movie Maker
18. MPLAYER2.EXE – Windows Media Player Version
19. MSCONFIG.EXE – System Configuration Utility
20. MSIMN.EXE – Outlook Express
21. MSINFO32.EXE – System Information
22. MSMSGS.EXE – Windows Messenger
23. MSN6.EXE – MSN Explorer
24. PBRUSH.EXE – Paint
25. PINBALL.EXE – Pinball
26. RVSEZM.EXE – Reversi
27. SHVLZM.EXE – Spades
28. TABLE30.EXE – User’s Folder
29. WAB.EXE – Windows Address Book
30. WABMIG.EXE – Address Book Import Tool
31. WINNT32.EXE – User’s Folder
32. WMPLAYER.EXE – Windows Media Player
33. WRITE.EXE – Wordpad
34. These .EXE files reside in (c:\windows\system32\) or (c:\windows\) directory.
35. ACCWIZ.EXE – Accessibility Wizard
36. CALC.EXE – Calculator
37. CHARMAP.EXE – Character Map
38. CLEANMGR.EXE – Disk Space Cleanup Manager
39. CLICONFG.EXE – SQL Client Configuration Utility
40. CLIPBRD.EXE – Clipbook Viewer
41. CLSPACK.EXE – Class Package Export Tool
42. CMD.EXE – Command Line
43. CMSTP.EXE – Connection Manager Profile Installer
44. CONTROL.EXE – Control Panel
45. DCOMCNFG.EXE – Component Services
47. DRWATSON.EXE – Doctor Watson v1.00b
48. DRWTSN32.EXE – Doctor Watson Settings
49. DVDPLAY.EXE – DVD Player
50. DXDIAG.EXE – DirectX Diagnostics
51. EUDCEDIT.EXE – Private Character Editor
52. EVENTVWR.EXE – Event Viewer
53. EXPLORER.EXE – Windows Explorer
54. FREECELL.EXE – Free Cell
55. FXSCLNT.EXE – Fax Console
56. FXSCOVER.EXE – Fax Cover Page Editor
57. FXSEND.EXE – MS Fax Send Note Utility
58. IEXPRESS.EXE – IExpress 2.0
59. LOGOFF.EXE – System Logoff
60. MAGNIFY.EXE – Microsoft Magnifier
61. MMC.EXE – Microsoft Management Console
62. MOBSYNC.EXE – Microsoft Synchronization Manager
63. MPLAY32.EXE – Windows Media Player version 5.1
64. MSHEARTS.EXE – Hearts
65. MSPAINT.EXE – Paint
66. MSTSC.EXE – Remote Desktop Connection
67. NARRATOR.EXE – Microsoft Narrator
68. NETSETUP.EXE – Network Setup Wizard
69. NOTEPAD.EXE – Notepad
70. NSLOOKUP.EXE – NSLookup Application
71. NTSD.EXE – Symbolic Debugger for Windows 2000
72. ODBCAD32.EXE – ODBC Data Source Administrator
73. OSK.EXE – On Screen Keyboard
74. OSUNINST.EXE – Windows Uninstall Utility
75. PACKAGER.EXE – Object Packager
76. PERFMON.EXE – Performance Monitor
77. PROGMAN.EXE – Program Manager
78. RASPHONE.EXE – Remote Access Phonebook
79. REGEDIT.EXE – Registry Editor
80. REGEDT32.EXE – Registry Editor
81. RESET.EXE – Resets Session
82. RSTRUI.EXE – System Restore
83. RTCSHARE.EXE – RTC Application Sharing
84. SFC.EXE – System File Checker
85. SHRPUBW.EXE – Create Shared Folder
86. SHUTDOWN.EXE – System Shutdown
87. SIGVERIF.EXE – File Signature Verification
88. SNDREC32.EXE – Sound Recorder
89. SNDVOL32.EXE – Sound Volume
90. SOL.EXE – Solitaire
91. SPIDER.EXE – Spider Solitaire
92. SYNCAPP.EXE – Create A Briefcase
93. SYSEDIT.EXE – System Configuration Editor
94. SYSKEY.EXE – SAM Lock Tool
95. TASKMGR.EXE – Task Manager
96. TELNET.EXE – MS Telnet Client
97. TSSHUTDN.EXE – System Shutdown
98. TOURSTART.EXE – Windows Tour Launcher
99. UTILMAN.EXE – System Utility Manager
100. USERINIT.EXE – My Documents
101. VERIFIER.EXE – Driver Verifier Manager
102. WIAACMGR.EXE – Scanner and Camera Wizard
103. WINCHAT.EXE – Windows for Workgroups Chat
104. WINHELP.EXE – Windows Help Engine
105. WINHLP32.EXE – Help
106. WINMINE.EXE – Minesweeper
107. WINVER.EXE – Windows Version Information
108. WRITE.EXE – WordPad
109. WSCRIPT.EXE – Windows Script Host Settings
110. WUPDMGR.EXE – Windows Update
111. The following are Control Panel applets that can be run from the run line.
112. They are located in the c:\windows\system32 directory, and have the file type
113. extension “.CPL”.
114. ACCESS.CPL – Accessibility Options
115. APPWIZ.CPL – Add or Remove Programs
116. DESK.CPL – Display Properties
117. HDWWIZ.CPL – Add Hardware Wizard
118. INETCPL.CPL – Internet Explorer Properties
119. INTL.CPL – Regional and Language Options
120. JOY.CPL – Game Controllers
121. MAIN.CPL – Mouse Properties
122. MMSYS.CPL – Sounds and Audio Device Properties
123. NCPA.CPL – Network Connections
124. NUSRMGR.CPL – User Accounts
125. ODBCCP32.CPL – ODBC Data Source Administrator
126. POWERCFG.CPL – Power Options Properties
127. SYSDM.CPL – System Properties
128. TELEPHON.CPL – Phone and Modem Options
129. TIMEDATE.CPL – Date and Time Properties
130. The following are Microsoft Management Console Snap-ins that can be opened from
131. the run line. These applications have the file type extension “.MSC”.
132. CERTMGR.MSC – Certificates
133. CIADV.MSC – Indexing Service
134. COMPMGMT.MSC – Computer Management
135. DEVMGMT.MSC – Device Manager
136. DFRG.MSC – Disk Defragmenter
137. DISKMGMT.MSC – Disk Management
138. EVENTVWR.MSC – Event Viewer
139. FSMGMT.MSC – Shared Folders
140. LUSRMGR.MSC – Local Users and Groups
141. NTMSMGR.MSC – Removable Storage
142. NTMSOPRQ.MSC – Removable Storage Operator Requests
143. PERFMON.MSC – Performance Monitor
144. SERVICES.MSC – Services
145. WMIMGMT.MSC – Windows Management Infrastructure
Source: Collected from Internet...
Kandari Hushiar
Friday, April 16, 2010
artist: Artcell
album: Kandari Hushiar (i'm not sure)
original writer: "Bidrohi Kobi Kazi Nazrul Islam"
durgam giri kantar moru, dustor parabar
longhite hobe ratri nishithe, jatri ra hushiar.
duliteche tori, fuliteche jol, vuliteche majhi poth,
chiriache pal, ke dhoribe hal, ache kar himmot?
ke acho joan hou aguan hakiche vobisshot.
e tufan vari, dite hobe pari, nite hobe tori par||
timir ratri, matrimontri shantrira shabdhan!
jug-guganto shonchito betha ghoshiache ovijan.
fenaiya othe bonchito buke punjito oviman,
ihader pothe nite hobe shathe, dite hobe odhikar.
oshohay jati moriche dubiya, jane na shontoron,
kandari! aj dekhibo tomar matri muktipon.
'hindu na ora muslim?' oi jiggashe kon jon?
kandari! bol dubiche manush, shontan mor mar.
giri-shongkot, viru jatri ra, guru gorjai baj,
poshchat-poth-jatrir mone shondeho jage aj!
kandari! tumi vulibe ki poth? tajibe ki poth-majh?
kore hanahani, tobu chol tani, niacho je mohavar!
kandari! tobu shommukhe oi polashir prantor,
bangalir khune lal holo jetha klaiver khonjor!
oi gongai, dubiache hai, varoter dibakor.
udibe she robi amader i khune rangiya purnibar.
fashir monche geye gelo jara jiboner joyogan,
ashi olokkhe daraeche tara, dibe kon bolidan?
aji porikkha jatir othoba jater koribe tran?
duliteche tori, fuliteche jol, kandari hushiar.
Baby I'm Back
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Ooh yeah
Said anything that you want me to and I'll do it
Tell me what the word is?
Tell me what the word is?
Tell me what the word is?
Tell me what the word is?
Baby, don't look no farther
Baby, I'm back here
I'm here to cater to you
(Anything that you want me to I'll do it)
'Cause I'll be your lover
(I'll be your lover)
And I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do
(Tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it)
Now I'm back in a flesh, feelin' so blessed
Back in your corner suga, suga don't stress
Forget about the rest, let's go inside
I'm back in your zone, baby, I'm back in your vibe
Now I can't be denied I can lie I'm on ya
I never ever wanna say "Sayonara"
Somebody told me that the grass was greener
On the other side of Lake Arriba
Never really intended on being a cheater
What I gotta do to be your keeper
These words comin' out the speaker
True love is off the meter
Don't look no farther
Baby, I'm back here
I'm here to cater to you
(Anything that you want me to I'll do it)
'Cause I'll be your lover
(I'll be your lover)
And I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do
(Tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it)
I was gone for a minute but now I'm home
Please forgive me for being a rolling stone
Please forgive me let me polish it up like chrome
Get off the phone till he swears to leave you alone
Let me spark your interest
Now there's no more dating on the internet
'Cause you already know how I get it wet
How I keep it so saucy and I get respect
You don't have to look no farther
You dealin' with the whole enchilada
You don't have to look no farther
You hotter than a fire starter
Don't look no farther
Baby, I'm back here
I'm here to cater to you
(Anything that you want me to I'll do it)
'Cause I'll be your lover
(I'll be your lover)
And I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do
(Tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it)
I was gone for a minute, I was gone for a minute
I was gone for a minute, I was gone for a minute
Now I'm back let me hit it, now I'm back let me hit it
Now I'm back let me hit it, now I'm back let me hit it
Don't look no farther
Baby, I'm back here
I'm here to cater to you
'Cause I'll be your lover
And I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do, do for you
Don't look no farther
Baby, I'm back here
I'm here to cater to you
(Anything that you want me to I'll do it)
'Cause I'll be your lover
(I'll be your lover)
And I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do
(Tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it)
Miss Melody
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
I'm ridin' full speed, leavin' from the ghetto doin'
A hundred miles an hour, you can barely see me movin'
Gotta shorty waitin' for me that I been pursuin'
And I ain't got far to go
She a bad chick, somethin' I ain't tryna ruin
She's steady callin', so I know she ready to get to it
I'm tryna get there but I just can't
Seem to catch up to her
By the time I got there she was gone
And so I walked upstairs and I heard this sound
So pretty, so gritty, so funny that no one's around
So I locked myself inside and closed the door
But there was this funny feeling inside
That I couldn't get rid of, then I sing it
Miss Melody, who could she be? Describin' me
All alone with my ears pressed against the wall
Miss Melody, who could she be? Describin' me
Alone with my ears pressed against the wall
Standin' in front of my window pane
The sound got me starin' at the rain
The more she play the more I feel the pain
Why is she doing this, what's it to gain?
Seems like she tryna take my soul away
Startin' to feel I'm under her control today
I can't see her but I hear her from the shades
And it seems like she really knows me
Every fiddle makes me wanna run away
I can't take it no more, gotta get away
Got me talkin' about the dark nights
In the cage while she starin' at me
Miss Melody, who could she be? Describin' me
All alone with my ears pressed against the wall
Miss melody, who could she be? Describin' me
Alone with my ears pressed against the wall
Never Gonna Get It
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
I’m from the hardknock acedemy
Automatically had to be
carryin automatics sprayin sparatic inaccuarate
Clips to the back of it
barrel cockin it immaculate
Learn to move packages in n out of los angeles
We savages, bustin off rounds
sprayin bannana clips
knockin pills off like Anna Nicole Smith
Shit, I’m in the hood walkin with choppers
Cock em and pop em coppers glauks be talkin like…
blockedie block, block I’ll probly popped hoffa and possibly jus forgot where I tossed em
this niggas obnoxious, me and top got your picture in the cockpit
she wanna pitstop, jus see how the cock spit
these boss’s deposit the profit they watch as we cop it
on top of the ostrich and fox’s
It use to be the lil guys in stress now ima boss where i’m from,
with the last stress on my chest
See I know you’ll like my swagger
No strap when i come through
Chain hangin like Ali Baba
Know me, yah Know how I Do
The way that i move nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
Cause i’m to smooth Nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
I thought you knew nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
You aint got a clue Nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
Who in the hell left the gate open? (Drama)
I’m pretty down for the wild, wild west
Like them 1800’s in em stage coaches
If I aint strapped then my blaze pokin
If it aint a 600 big body then the 6 4-0 honey is spokin
The drama spokesman, streets endorsed em
I rather be up in my nine then closed in my coffin
I’m from Wes Covina, this aint Compton
Still money passed around like we takin an offerin
I’m somethin like a phenoneman
when they see the sad happy faces they know the drama is on
Its the west coast back at your front door
We up close and personal, we aint done till the curtains close
Could be friend or foe, love it or hate it
I’m the king but i play with the Aces
run up to find out i keep it loaded like bases
Ya got wires in ya mouth but these ain’t braces
See I know you’ll like my swagger
No strap when i come through
Chain hangin like Ali Baba
Know me, yah Know how I Do
The way that i move nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
Cause i’m to smooth Nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
I thought you knew nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
You aint got a clue Nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
See when I walk through the door
I wonderin why these fake Niggas Jackin me for?
On display like i came from the store
Posin like a manequin in front of your hoe
Up front block Rollin 50 deep now
Convicts Surround the whole compound
Cause you dont really want what your starin at
Clip full of Bullets, dont mind sharin that thing
See I know you’ll like my swagger
No strap when i come through
Chain hangin like Ali Baba
Know me, yah Know how I Do
The way that i move nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
Cause i’m to smooth Nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
I thought you knew nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
You aint got a clue Nigga (yah neva gonna get it)
Keep On Callin' (feat. P-Money)
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Ya Know
Its Akon Man
Mah Man P
Its the Magic City baby
Yo I Think We Got one on this one
So all them haters
Wanna scream our name
Let them keep on calling
And they werent supporting us before and they wanna scream now
Let them keep on calling
We just gon let them keep on calling baby, just keep calling
So keep on calling
And for our supporters you know you can just keep on calling as long as you want
Keep on calling
[Verse 1]
I used to be on the corner all day tryin figure out wats gona get me out there
Dope dealing and huggin the block i done found out it aint gonna get me nowhere
Used to keep a 9 mili for protection
Just incase a nigga wanna to take my brain
Then the voice came down from the sky and said
Akon use your head
I had to re-evaluate my thoughts and think about what got me this far
I had to keep a strong faith and believe in one day i would be a star (a star)
But i knew that it wouldnt come easy (come easy)
But theres been a lotta hatin believe me (believe me)
Dispite all the bullshit we had to still work hard (to get to where we are)
When you hear them calling out Akon let them
Keep on calling
When you hear the world calling out P Money let them
Keep on Calling
Cuz we went through hell and back to get here so
Keep On Calling
Lemme hear you know lemme hear you know just
Keep on calling
[Verse 2]
Senegal, West Africa to New Zealand (new zealand)
Bless to have to give make music with meaning (with meaning)
Cuz i never thought i'd come this far (oh yeah)
Witta mansion and a fancy car (ooh yeah)
Never thought success would come this quick in the beginning (but i seen it)
And all along im sittin there thinkin its harder when you came from the hood (you came from the hood)
But all i had to do was put my mind to it and realize it was all good (it was all good)
Once i got rid of what held me down best believe i wouldnt be turnin back (turnin back)
I had to keep to keep on movin and a keep on groovin right here on this P Money track and so
When you hear them calling out Akon let them
Keep on calling
When you hear the world calling out P Money let them
Keep on Calling
Cuz we went through hell and back to get here so
Keep On Calling
Lemme hear you know lemme hear you know just
Keep on calling
Keep on calliiing
Keep on calliing
Just keep on calliiing
Keep on calling
Just keep on callliiing
Keep on callinnng
Just keep on callliiing
Keep on callinngg
When you hear them calling out Akon let them
Keep on calling
When you hear the world calling out P Money let them
Keep on Calling
Cuz we went through hell and back to get here so
Keep On Calling
Lemme hear you know lemme hear you know just
Keep on calling
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Yo, in case you ain't know
I go by the name of Akon and I'm from
(Africa, Africa)
Home of the Goree Islands
I'm from Senegal, West-side
(Africa, Africa)
So I'ma share with you where I'm from
And how I was comin' up
(Africa, Africa)
So what you know about the struggles
That my people went through
So you can live the way you live now?
So what you know about seeing
That brand new mother givin' away her newborn child?
So what you know about Mr.Amadou Diallo
The Senegalese cop shot down?
So what you know about
How people love to perceive us
When we come into a brand new town?
So what you know about the Goree Islands
Where all the slaves were shipped from?
So what you know about
Being born in America to avoid immigration?
Still from the ghetto, ooh, of Senegal
(Africa, Africa)
Comin' from the ghetto, ooh of Senegal
(Africa, Africa)
Comin' from the ghetto, ooh, of Senegal
(Africa, Africa)
Yes, I'm comin' from the ghetto, ooh, of Senegal
(Africa, Africa)
So what you know about Tchebou Dje
Yassa, Deraay and Maafay, my favorite foods?
So what you know about niggas throwin' rocks
Bustin' shots at the military invadin' my hood?
So what you know about kids with automatic machines
Waiting for the war to get on that side?
So what you know about how God comes first in our lives?
Everything that we do is for Allah
So what you know about that Holy place called Touba
Where Prophets were born?
So what you know about comin' here
Gettin' money and investing it back home?
Right in the ghetto, ooo, of Senagal
(Africa, Africa)
Give it to the ghetto, ooo, of Senegal
(Africa, Africa)
Take it to the ghetto, ooo, of Senegal
(Africa, Africa)
Send it right to the ghetto, ooo, of Senegal
(Africa, Africa)
Now see that's just a little piece of how it is
(Africa, Africa)
See, but we can come together
And make it 'lot better back home
(Africa, Africa)
So don't complain about how they treat me here
Take your millions of dollars there, back to
(Africa, Africa)
We own that land, we owned those diamonds
(Africa, Africa)
We kings man, we don't take orders, we give 'em
Think about it
Gunshot (Fiesta Riddim)
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Anyone in the place tonight you don't wanna be a witness then walk away (Akon!!!)
Cause I'm a soldier that love to fight and anyone in my path will die today
By my AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!)
[Verse 1:]
Have you ever spent one day on my block?!
Had to make good with crooked ass cops
Witness innocent bystanders get shot
Made a livin ready or not
(To stay true!!!) To all my N****s
Things gettin hard but we still grindin up
(To stay true!!!) To all my N****s
We done came up and cop cribs by the river
Yeah we imported export keys
Before the feds came down on we
True badman nuh counterfeit g's
Maybe once stick around and trust you will see (That)
Anyone in the place tonight you don't wanna be a witness then walk away (Akon!!!)
Cause I'm a soldier that love to fight and anyone in my path will die today
By my AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!)
[Verse 2:]
So playboy don't make me pull your card (OK!!!)
Buss a shot and separate your squad (OK!!!)
Gangstas never know who you are (OK!!!)
And where you from ain't never made you hard (OK!!!)
You could be from Africa or Asia (OH!!!)
America back a yard in Jamaica (OH! OH!!!)
You could be from unda di equator (OH!!!)
Regardless I will see you later (OH! OH!!!)
See you can run but it’s hard to hide (OH! OH!!!)
What will kill you inside (OH! OH!!!)
Wait a minute till you stand up right (OH! OH!!!)
That’s why we nuh fraid of warning signs (OH! OH!!!)
Anyone in the place tonight you don't wanna be a witness then walk away (Akon!!!)
Cause I'm a soldier that love to fight and anyone in my path will die today
By my AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!)
Badman we a multiply, we nuh fear di law or a regula guy
So we, mash di place, run di place, bun di place, dun di place
Top shotta we a ready to ride
And we nuh easy joy and nuh fraid to ride
So we, mash di place, run di place, bun di place, dun di place
Anyone in the place tonight you don't wanna be a witness then walk away (Akon!!!)
Cause I'm a soldier that love to fight and anyone in my path will die today
By my AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!) AK!!! (Gunshot!!!)
Locked Up (Remix)
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
[Styles P]
Locked up, they won't let me out,
And I had a long day in court **** stressed me out,
Won't gimme the bail they can't get me out,
Now I'm headed to the county,
Gotta do a bid here, I'm used to living luxurous,
I don't wana live here, the walls is gray the clothes is orange,
The phones is broke, the food is garbage,
A lot a niggas is livin with these circumstances,
Sp's the same I still murk ya manz'z ,
Drug money to rap money work advances,
Niggas ran and told that I shoulda murked to kansas,
Niga got popped for a murda attempt,
Knocked me on d block when I was burning the hemph,
Had a brick in the stash hope they don't take to a further extent,
Locked up and they wont let me out,
When I hit my cell block, niggas know the threat be out.
I'm steady tryna find a motive,
Why do what I do.
Freedom aint gettin no closer,
No matter how far I go,
My car is stolen, no registration,
Cops partolin, and now they done stop me,
And I get locked up,
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
Headin up town to re up,
Back with a couple peeps,
Corner blocks on fire,
Under covers dressed as feens,
Makin so much money,
Products movin' fast,
Put away the stash,
And as I sold the last bag fucked around and got locked up
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (my nigga I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (I got locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (baby girl I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out
[Styles P]
Now that I'm locked up I rep two sets so
Ima ride or die and stay d blocked up
Two tooth brushes up,
Whoever wanted with p
When I walk by nigga get up,
Cuz I'm locked up they cant get me out,
I smoke a stick of haze when they stress me out,
Go and hit the bar when the reds be out,
Cant wait for the day when they let me out,
Cuz visitation no longer comes by,
Seems like they forgot about me,
Commissary is getting empty,
My cell mates getting food without me,
Can't wait to get out and move forward with my life,
Got a family that loves me and wants me to do right
But instead I get locked up
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they wont let me out, (my nigga I'm locked up)
They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)
They won't let me out no, they won't let me out (cuz I'm locked up)
I Won't
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
I won't, I won't
I won't, I won't
'Cause I came too far
Tryin' to know what's going on
Echoes on my celluar phone
I notice a couple items missin'
Could it be the feds still listenin'
See, I don't beat those cases
Did time for the miscellanous
And they proceed to keep on watchin'
'Cause I don't seen them lately
Interrogated my mom
Locked up half of my crew
But I can guarantee one thing
That I won't let you
I won't, let you lock me down
I won't, let you push me 'round
I won't, let you stop me now
I won't, 'cause I came too far
I won't, let you ruin my day
I won't, let you stop my pay
I won't, no, not today
I won't 'cause I came too far
Devil's always watchin' me
Evils always stalkin' me
God has been protectin' me
And that's how I got this far
'Cause when you look at me
You see an angel
Can't believe I been through half the things
That I went through
'Cause everyday I see a face
Misconstrued by the human race
So please don't judge me unless you know me
'Cause I won't let you
I won't, let you lock me down
I won't, let you push me 'round
I won't, let you stop me now
I won't, 'cause I came too far
I won't, let you ruin my day
I won't, let you stop my pay
I won't, no, not today
I won't 'cause I came too far
Came too far to turn back now
Came too far to turn back now
Ain't nobody gonna stop me
Ain't nobody gonna stop me
Came too far to turn back now
Came too far to turn back now
Ain't nobody gonna stop me
Ain't nobody gonna stop me
I won't, let you lock me down
I won't, let you push me 'round
I won't, let you stop me now
I won't, 'cause I came too far
I won't, let you ruin my day
I won't, let you stop my pay
I won't, no, not today
I won't 'cause I came too far
I won't, I won't
I won't, I won't
I won't, I won't
Don't Let Up
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Girl I Know you're fed up but things gonna get a lot better
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Don't wanna see you give up, whatever you do, don't let up
Girl i Know that things are hard now
And you're feeling that you're all alone
Mom & dad's no long 'round now
'Cause now you're grown with kids of your own
Baby dad is nowhere to be found
While you play the role of mom & papi
(Raising them all by yourself)
Always home and can't go out now
Can't remember the last time that you were happy
Whatever you do...
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Girl I Know you're fed up but things gonna get a lot better
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Don't wanna see you give up, whatever you do, don't let up
Every man that you meet on the streets
You're looking at him like he's an enemy
(Just give us one more chance)
Girl I know that you can't hurt no more
You've been damaged, can't trust nobody
And I know that you can just move on
If you let your past go with the wind
(And smile more often)
Then you will find that guy that you always wanted
From friend to husband
So girl just know that...
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Girl I Know you're fed up but things gonna get a lot better
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Don't wanna see you give up, whatever you do, don't let up
No matter how bad things get
Girl don't let it get to you
I know you're trying to make ends meet
So girl don't let it get to you
You only got one life to live
So don't let it get to you
So go on and make the best of it
Just don't let it get to you
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Girl I Know you're fed up but things gonna get a lot better
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)
Don't wanna see you give up, whatever you do, don't let up
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Akon (akon)
[Verse 1]
This is the ultimate journey of your life
Where the weak die and the strong survive
Prepare to suffer 40 days and 40 nights
Strap on your boots because you got a long hike
Just another journey, another journey into time
C'mon now
Just another journey, who ever thought I'd cross this line
[Verse 2]
Walking through the dirty streets of Jersey (Jersey)
A dollar to my name searchin for that key
I'm tryin not to reincorinate my past
I'm tired from the game, took another path
Destination 95 Dirty South
Where the devil tried to realter my route
Creator took me by the hand and led the way-ay
to make the story short thats why I'm here today
What about that day you said I wouldn't amount to shit
And about that day you kicked me out onto the bricks
What about that time you said I wouldnt make a dime
And about that time you said I couldn't make you mine
Destination to the bank overseas
Where Akons treated like royalty
Cause there's so much in this world i have to see-e
The wagon's rolling so jump in a follow me-e
Born and raised in Africa trying to make a scene
(trying to make a scene)
The best way to get to you is by this music thing
And you might believe
Akon (Akon)
C'mon (c'mon)
Lets take it to the streets
I traveled through the ghettos of America
Lets take it to the streets
I traveled through the ghettos of Africa
Lets take it to the streets
I traveled through the ghettos of Asia
Lets take it to the streets
I traveled through the ghettos all over
In my journey yea (yea, yea)
When The Time's Right
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Yeah, what up, I go by the name of Divine, I got my boy Akon in the back
But before I bring him out, I want all the ladies
Come on, ok ok ok ok, Come on all my ladies in the place today
Come on, ok ok ok ok, Come on all my sexy ladies sing along with me (come on)
Don't make me call the police
It's a crime the way you bend them knees
From the table to the floor, spin it up and do it slow
Give it up to all my niggas on the corners spending dough like
Ain't nothing but money to me
So sweet but you ain't nothing but hunnies to me
Shorty get you sexy dere sipping on the cavasier
Stylin up in the VIP, plannin to roll out with me
Knowing that she's gonna come back
As if she's a boomerang
You know that she'll never wanna come back
So I add her to my hall of fame here
Bet your man can't do it like this (tell the truth girl)
Bet your man can't do it like this (its all on you girl)
Come on, When the Time's Right
I'd like to come over and get to kno ya
Try to get closer, (Come on)
When the Time's Right, I'd like to come over
And work ya over, across your sofa
Come on, Is it ok if I come over, Come on
That way I can get to kno ya, Come on
Let me get a little closer, Come on
Do you all over your sofa, Come on
When I walk in the club with all the ladies so fly
Gotta work that body so beautifully make you wanna cry
That body could do whatever, thats no lie
Gotta make it to gettin bigger makin me wanna slide
Up under my apple tree, better yet you on top of me
Switch it over let me bust all over your anatomy
Your so sexy, gotta punish you wit the first degree
Ain't no stoppin the body rockin until we fall asleep
Come on, When the Time's Right
I'd like to come over and get to kno ya
Try to get closer, (Come on)
When the Time's Right, I'd like to come over
And work ya over, across your sofa
Come on, Is it ok if I come over, Come on
That way I can get to kno ya, Come on
Let me get a little closer, Come on
Do you all over your sofa, Come on
I can tell by the way you act so hard you like my type of nigger
Better bang in the back of the jeep and put a puncture in your liver
I can tell by the way you act so soft you like my type of nigga
Better get romantic with ya make love to ya by the river
I'm wit the wine glass to go with your fine ass
I could make that shine last if I make you mine fast
Your the type I go all out to put you onto my staff
Let me be your teacher baby girl cause you in the wrong class
Owwwwh, When the Time's Right
I'd like to come over and get to kno ya
Try to get closer, (Come on)
When the Time's Right, I'd like to come over
And work ya over, across your sofa
Come on, Is it ok if I come over, Come on
That way I can get to kno ya, Come on
Let me get a little closer, Come on
Do you all over your sofa, Come on
Hey hey hey, So tell me what the dealy girl, hey hey hey
When i get to go inside you girl, hey hey hey
Remember there is no rush girl, hey hey hey
Gotta get you with tha masta
Come on, Come on, Come on, Come on
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Lonely I'm Mr Lonely,
I have nobody,
For my own
I'm so lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely
I have nobody,
For my own
I'm so lonely,
Yo this one here goes out to all my players out there ya know got that one good girl who's always been there like ya
Know took all the bullshit then one day she can't take it no more and decides to leave
I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, coulda sworn I was dreaming, for her I was
Feenin, so I had to take a little ride, back tracking over these few years, tryna figure out what I do to make it go bad, cause
Ever since my girl left me, my whole life came crashing
I'm so lonely (so lonely),
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own) girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own) girl
Can't believe I had a girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life, after all I put you through you still stuck
Around and stayed by my side, what really hurt me is I broke your heart, baby you were a good girl and I had no right, I
Really wanna make things right, cause without you in my life girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own) girl
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own) girl
Been all about the world ain't never met a girl that can take the things that you been through
Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing you
Cause ain't nowhere in the globe I'd rather be, ain't no-one in the globe I'd rather see then the girl of my dreams that made me
Be so happy but now so lonely
So lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own) girl
Never thought that I'd be alone, I didn't think you'd be gone this long, I just want you to call my phone, so stop playing girl and
Come on home (come on home), baby girl I didn't mean to shout, I want me and you to work it out, I never wished I'd ever
Hurt my baby, and it's driving me crazy cuz...
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (so lonely)
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own) girl
Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, (so lonely),
Mr. Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, (so lonely), Mr. Lonely
Show Out
album: Trouble
artist: Akon
year: 2004
Akon, show out (show out), show out (show out)
I'm sure that the streets are watching me
Rather not run when the cops are stopping me
Pulled over on the road they watching me
As they walk passed all the chicks are jockin me
Ferrari truck on the side of the road
Raspberry paint gloss sitting on 24's
Give me a warning ticket, letting me go
Cause you can tell by the jewels that I ain't an average Joe
Cause I meet fresh dimes daily
You burn me (ouhhh) really
Cause I done seen your type before
You wanna hate out on the chef cause he baking that dough, yo
Don't tempt me cause I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin not to lose my head
Cause you don't really wanna see me show out (show out)
In the club on free spinning G's (show out)
Mocca humma 24's on these (show out)
Yo playa don't make me (show out)
Cause You don't really wanna see me (show out)
Akon got a crew so deep (show out)
From the West Indies to over seas (show out)
Yo mammi don't make me (show out)
It's all good but I'm still in the hood
Like right around the corner cause its all in my brain
A nice crib on the hill of Hollywood but the ghetto mind stayin
Ain't a damn thing changed
It's funny how people switch when they get rich
Spend it all on chicks
Hundred-thousand dollar car for what
These bitches
Ten million dollar crib for what
These bitches
Five thousand dollar suits for what
These bitches
Should of known but they only out for your riches
Some freaks need to be dealt with
Spread 'em and smack 'em backwards
With a stick
I guarantee she'll do what you say
Yeah daddy, no daddy, ok
Don't tempt me cause I'm close to the edge
I'm tryin not to lose my head
Cause you don't really wanna see me show out (show out)
In the club on free spinning G's (show out)
Mocca humma 24's on these (show out)
Yo playa don't make me (show out)
Cause You don't really wanna see me (show out)
Akon got a crew so deep (show out)
>From the West Indies to over seas (show out)
It aint happenin
Yo mammi don't make me (show out)
Its gonna make me (show out)
Ya'll niggas gonna make me (show out)
Ya'll chickens gonna make me (show out)
Cuz this some real shit
Don't make me pull your card ya'll niggas gonna make me (show out)
(ya'll niggas) Ya'll niggas gonna make me (show out)
(Ya'll chickens) Ya'll chickens gonna make me (show out)
Cuz this some real shit
Don't make me pull your card now (come on now)
Cause you don't really wanna see me (show out)
In the club on free spinning G's (show out)
Mocca humma 24's on these (show out)
Hey yo don't make me (show out)
Cause you don't really wanna see me (show out)
Akon got a crew so deep (show out)
>From the West Indies to overseas (show out)
Yo baby don't make me (show out)
Don't make me (no)
Show out (show out)